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Best Workout

Shared by: LucasLactivia
Frequency: 3 days / weeks
Day type: Days of the Weeks
Type: General Fitness
Difficulty: Beginner
Downloads / Views: 0 / 6
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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ANY Arms & Forearms
Exercise Name Muscle Time Reps Sets Track
Dumbbell Seated Bicep Curl Biceps 60 sec 8 3
Dumbbell Alternating Bicep Curl Biceps 60 sec 8 3
Barbell Reverse Curl Forearms 60 sec 8 3
ANY Chests & Triceps
Exercise Name Muscle Time Reps Sets Track
Dumbbell Bench Press Chest 60 sec 8 3
Dumbbell Fly Chest 60 sec 8 3
Dumbbell Shoulder Press Shoulder 60 sec 8 3
ANY Legs & Shoulders
Exercise Name Muscle Time Reps Sets Track
Dumbbell Standing Calf Raise Lower Legs 60 sec 8 3
Barbell Squat Upper Legs 60 sec 8 3